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My typical weekend
On Friday evening, I usually stay in. My friend Anna often comes to my house and we watch a film.
On Saturday mornings, I always go to skiing. Then, in the evenings, I usually go out with my friends. We sometimes go to the bowling or we go to Puigcerdà.
On Sunday morning, I always get up early. In the afternoon, I usually do my homework. I hardly ever go out on Sunday evening. I usually play computer games or I do my homework.
Angelina Jolie was born on 4th June 1975.
She grew up in California ans she acted in her first film when she was five. When she was eleven, she went to drama school.
When she was young, she appeared in music videos. Her first big film was The Bone Collector in 1999. She won an Oscar in 1999 and she became famous in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and other films.
Now, she's a film star and help children's organizations. She lives in the USA with her children.
Buddy is an elf who lives in the North Pole with his adoptive father Papa Elf. When Buddy grow up, he will go to New York and found her real father.
Buddy is a funny chapter. He is slim and tall. He has got curly and brown hair. He's wearing a green jacket, yellow trousers, black shoes and green hat.Write 10 words or expressions you have learnt.1. Get out - Surt d'aquí2. Am I sick? - Estic malalt?3. You're nuts! - Estàs boig!4. By the way - Per cert5. You're kidding? - Estàs de conya?6. Are you mad at me? - Estàs enfadat amb mi?7. I'm kind of nervous - Estic com nerviós8. Guess what? - Saps què?9. We'd better get out of here - Serà millor que marxem10. As soon as possible - Tan aviat com puguis
Stop destroying our beaches!
In one year, 100 million of people have visited the beaches in my country.
So what's the problem?
People throw rubbish at the beach.
How does this affect?
If we pollute the water, the animals that live in the sea will die.
What happen if this continues?
We will not want to go to the beach because it be very dirty.
How can you help?
You'll help to protect the beach if you:
- Don't throw cans, papers or rests of eating at the beaches.
- If you smoke, you throw the cigar into the wastepaper basket.
- If you have a shower on the beach, do not spend too much water.
Don't pollute the beach
Help keep the water clean
To: Mios Subject: Blanca's birthday
Hi Mios, I'm going to buy a CD player. Why don't you give her a CD? She likes pop music. I'm going to go shoppingwith my cousins on Friday. Do you want to come with us? Silvia's going to come to the party with me! I'm going to meet her on Saturday evening at home. See you tomorrow, Júlia PS Look on this webside! They've got some great Cd's at